IT InfraWhitepapers

The Total Economic Impact Of ServiceNow IT Applications

Of course, we want to be sure our projects are aligned to business priorities, and at a high level they are. But what happens as we double-click into the details? How quickly can we adapt to new opportunities? That’s where a single cloud platform and modern AI-powered user experiences can help.

Steve Odell, Total Economic Impact Senior Consultant, and Charlie Betz, Principal Analyst, from Forrester Consulting will share the results of their Total Economic Impact (TEI) framework used to study the financial and business impacts of ServiceNow IT applications. You’ll hear how ServiceNow IT applications have helped organizations:

Achieve 20% increase in IT fulfiller efficiency
Reduce high priority incidents by 25%
Realize higher employee productivity and see a 15-point rise of CSAT scores
Increase project performance and automation of 20% of services
Avoid $4.2M legacy solution costs (over three years) and get 229% ROI in a seven month payback

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