IT InfraWhitepapers

The Rise of Targeted Ransomware Crime Syndicates

The Tools They Use, The Profits They Reap and What to do About it

Ransomware attacks rake in an average $1 billion annually for its operators and claims a new victim every 11 seconds (Cybersecurity Ventures, 2017). Yet the evolution of targeted ransomware behind this lucrative business which is aimed at the enterprise is advancing at an unprecedented rate and is less understood.

This eBook is a comprehensive overview of targeted ransomware and their operators for CISOs and cybersecurity engineers charged with securing their organizations from these new and costly threats.

Download the whitepaper to learn:

Who are the biggest ransomware crime syndicates, their business model, and the profits they reap
The differences between commodity ransomware-as-a-service crime kits vs. the advancement of sophisticated, customized, and highly targeted ransomware
The tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) attackers use after establishing a beachhead in the network
The most effective methods of detection and identification of lateral movement and attackers
Why an active defense using deception and MITRE Shield framework is now a business imperative

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