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Data Analytics Buyer’s Guide: Top Questions to Ask When Choosing a BI Tool


Businesses everywhere understand a basic truth in today’s economy: No enterprise can lead – or even survive – without analytics.

But not all analytics platforms are created equal. Choosing the right one is essential to making discoveries that have the power to drive real change. But too often the evaluation is based on narrowly-focused criteria around just features and functions, limiting the impact analytics can bring to your organization.

Download your copy of Data Analytics Buyer’s Guide: Top Questions to Ask When Choosing a BI Tool to drive an effective analytics evaluation process. Get a comprehensive checklist of questions to ask around five key considerations:

Be specific about the ways in which analytics will drive value
Identify which users REALLY are important
Go beyond TCO to recognize the costs of doing analytics wrong
Focus on business intelligence and analytics capabilities that deliver widespread value
Identify the capabilities needed to drive digital transformation

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